Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Kingdom Songs

This is my latest music project for 2013. The Kingdom Songs is a collection of original compositions. I have continued to evolve by utilizing more open chords in the music, yet maintaining somewhat normal song structure. As a listener you will hear the vocals taken to new heights at times with more melodic and memorable choruses.

The theme of this album is self reflective and raw when it comes to relating my personal relationship with the savior. The lyrics are meant to encourage the listener and help them get to the place of Gods acceptance of them through the sacrifice that Jesus made on Calvary. "Complete In You" tells the listener that God already sees them perfect through the blood of Jesus. "The Great I Am" almost became the project name. I just love this song...It tells the listener that we have victory because we serve the Great I Am!  "Running After You" tells the listener that even when your starting to turn back to God, He is already running after you and pursuing you. "I Believe" is a song of faith and trust that God will and has healed you from sickness, emptiness, brokenness because Jesus has already taken our place so we could be free. I am still writing more songs for this album. Just a note that I have not written anything for the last few years.  I sense God's anointing this year not because I am anything special, but willing to fulfill His purpose. I feel God is honoring my re commitment to sharing His message of salvation through music.

You can learn more about my music at